Open Source Tuberculosis
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The Open Source Tuberculosis (OSTB) consortium is trying a different approach to curing TB. Guided by open source principles, everything is open and anyone can contribute.
This Landing Page collects the most recent activity in OSTB: action items are on the To Do Lists (aggregated here) and experiments from all contributors are recorded in online Lab Notebooks. Most current research is on a very promising set of molecules known as Series 2. If you'd like to get involved, go right ahead, or get in touch with a member of the consortium (click on "Join the Team" below). In open source research all data and ideas are freely shared, anyone may participate as an equal partner and there will be no patents - think "Linux for TB Research" (FAQ) Our partner site is OSM.
Meet the Team
Join the Team
If you like the sound of open research and curing TB, then join in! Here's how:
  • Check out the current action items on the main page for details of what's needed right now - help resolve an issue, comment on things that you think need to be done, or post any of your suggestions/ideas.
  • Follow the G+ and Twitter pages.
  • Read up on where we are and what we've published on the Wiki and sign up if you want to make changes.
  • Check out the fresh data in the Lab Notebooks
  • If you're a chemist, make a molecule that the project needs so that it can be screened for activity. Graduate and undergraduate students have contributed molecules from their own labs to our sister project OSM.
  • If you're a biologist, see if any of the compounds made by the project might be of interest to you for TB or some other disease.
  • Open source projects discourage email (because email is a closed form of communication), but the consortium can be reached at
  • Anyone can run their own project under the umbrella of Open Source TB - anyone can add to the wiki, or add items to the Github To Do list or post raw data to the open lab notebooks.
Open research is where anyone can take part at any level of the project, that all data and ideas are shared and there are no patents. You are welcome, whatever your expertise.

At the moment the main activity is on finding a new medicine by improving some molecules originally discovered by Big Pharma and put into the public domain (like this ), something called open source drug discovery. Much of what we need is based in science (chemistry and biology), but there are important things you can do if you're outside those fields.

You just have to adhere to the Six Laws:

First Law: All data are open and all ideas are shared.
Second Law: Anyone can take part at any level of the project.
Third Law: There will be no patents.
Fourth Law: Suggestions are the best form of criticism.
Fifth Law: Public discussion is much more valuable than private email.
Sixth Law: The project is bigger than, and is not owned by, any given lab.

The default licence for everything in the OSTB project is CC-BY, meaning you can use whatever you want for any reason (including to make money) provided you cite the consortium.
Recent Contributors

Many thanks to our friends and supporters